Radiation Shielding
Our staff of craftsmen and engineers have been designing and manufacturing radiation shielding for over 40 years. We have developed a comprehensive line of shipping casks as well as storage and transfer shields to assure staff are protected throughout the radiation handling process. Shielding systems are also available for X-ray NDT systems and for custom applications. We offer shielding analysis using MNCP and other protocols to assure our designs meet exposure rate limits as well as weight requirements.
Hopewell Designs line of DOT7A shipping containers offers a cost effective solution in a sturdy and compact package. Specialty shields for the oil logging industry are rugged, yet lightweight to work well in difficult and harsh environments. Our line of storage shields range from small, handheld shields to large shields for high activity sources. Type A shipping casks are available for gamma and neutron sources.
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We have extensive experience with loading and unloading high activity sources in the field, and provide a full set of tools and transfer shields to make the work safe and secure. When hot cells are not available, we can design procedures and manufacture the tools and shields to safely handle sources, transfer sources from shipping containers to irradiators, or properly shields sources. When sources and irradiators reach the end of their useful life, we can provide services and support to decommission irradiators.
At Hopewell Designs, Inc., the development of our modular lead shielding system for industrial inspection offers flexible design options with fast and simple installation. Each modular wall and ceiling panel is fabricated as a steel/lead/steel laminate with angle iron “studs” for strong structural support. All joints overlap with lead filled steel tubing to minimize radiation shine. Modular panels are bolted together allowing the option of lead rooms from a small booth, to lead rooms up to 40 feet. A full line of accessories include safety systems, tubehead manipulators, parts trays and manipulators, lighting and electrical panels.
Our staff of engineers and scientists have over 300 man-years of experience designing and building radiation shielding. We can provide consulting services ranging from a quick assessment of shielding requirements to a full, detailed analysis using MCNP calculations. We manufacture shielding for gamma, X-ray, neutron, and beta radiation. Examples include small shipping casks, multi-ton neutron shipping casks, ALARA shielding for resin tanks, neutron hot cells, plus many others. Our expertise and experience allow us to provide a broad range of custom solutions.